2018 Garden

We had a huge Garden this year!

We also had Tania and Uncle Bruce’s garden. This year we had an abundance of beans (like usual) zucchini, cucumbers, peas, pumpkins, carrots, tomatoes, and potatoes.

52 pumpkins to be exact, which were all given away.

The garden failed at producing peanuts- We produced 3 out of 20 plants


We got gallons of carrots. Even though Kelly pickled a lot, we made a lot of tomato sauce and salsa we still had lots to give away (which is why we plant an absurdly large garden every year anyway) There was a lot of canning. There still is more when some of the tomatoes turn. We created a brief Cannitorium.

This year we also had chickens whom we planted chard for them and they loved it!

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We like to donate a lot of our garden to friends and some of the outreaches. If you have extra perennials we’ll take them! We want to build cross-pollination. We’ve been having problems with our Raspberries and strawberries. Maybe we need different strains? Give us advice!

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