March 13, 2022


Fruit growing at Small Prairie Farm! Cherry, Apple, Plum, Grapes, Raspberry, Strawberry, Haskap, Goji, and more. We’re experimenting with all that we can.

Fruit growing in Saskatchewan? You bet!


Malcolm sent vines all over the province to see which grew best. People had the best luck with the Valiant variety. Grapevines in the beginning (2013) were his priority to grow. Unfortunately, they still have not grown very well.



May 2022

Planted at the same time as the grapevines these Cupid cherry trees already a few years old didn’t start producing for another 3 years. The Cupid tree is 1 of 6 breeds in the “Romance” series that the U of S and many local farmers have developed for Saskatchewan. We bought our trees from Over the Hill Orchards.


The strawberries were started on the corner of the garden when we first planted the garden. Over the years the grass became unmanageable and the strawberries non-existent.  Since then, a strawberry rock garden has been started behind the Quonset. Hopefully, it produces more fruit.


The name “Haskap” was chosen as the brand name that has been applied to new varieties bred by the Fruit Program at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. We have about 10 of these. You need at least 2 varieties to breed. We have Arora, Indigo and _____. We’ve lost most of the berries to birds and grandkids before getting a harvest.


Scotts hops growing by the Raspberries. Hops are the flower of the Humulus Lupulus plant; brewers first started using them in the 9th century.

Goji Berries

We started out with 10 now we’re down to 3 and they are not doing great.

The goji berry is native to Asia, and people in Asia have been using this brightly colored fruit for more than 2,000 years as a medicinal herb and food supplement.


Plums are beautiful trees at blossom time, with a wonderful fragrance.  A second and different plum is required to have fruit, and cherries, and possibly apricot can pollinate as well.  Trees grow 12′ – 15′ high and the fruit ripens in August-September depending on the variety.

May 2022



Blueberries (6 plants 2018)


Black Currant (2 plants 2019)

Gooseberry 2019
Crab Apple
